The Zenith Utility Hylo Adjusting Table of Choice
The Zenith Two drop TERMINAL POINT Adjusting Table with Cervical and Pelvic drops
The Zenith 3-drop Adjusting Table with Cervical , Dorsal and Pelvic drops
NEW ... Zenith 4-drop Adjusting Table featuring the Pierce Key Dimension 3D Cervical & Pelvic sections for a new capability in patient positioning.
NEW ... Zenith 230-Y Adjusting Table Developed for Vitalreact YAMASAKI Treatment Protocols by YAMASAKI Masafumi Sensei.
The Zenith 3-drop PIERCE Adjusting Table featuring the Pierce Key Dimension 3D Cervical Headpiece
This hylo table features our Lo-Force manual drop units for total versatility. Our Lo-Force drops provide consistent, high velocity, low force adjusting.
The 'THOMPSON' Adjusting Table Acclaimed as the finest adjusting table in the world.
This Zenith Hylo is designed for patient and doctor comfort.
One of the best! This Zenith Terminal Point Hylo adjusting table features auto cocking cervical and pelvic air drops.
This Zenith Terminal Point Hylo adjusting table features auto cocking cervical, dorsal and pelvic air drops.
An efficient, versatile Zenith Hylo table with the added benefit of auto-cocking air drops!